Nous appelons à l’unité du personnel et des organisations syndicales.
est en effet crucial d'éviter le développement de corporatismes qui, sous
prétexte de soutenir une catégorie plutôt qu'une autre, contribueraient à la
fragmentation des intérêts de l'ensemble du personnel.
combinant nos trois principes et nos trois actions, notre objectif vise à
l'élimination d'un système fondé sur la précarité.
D'abord, par l'intégration progressive des personnes selon les modalités
équitables pour les fonctionnaires déjà recrutés, transparentes pour les
collègues précaires qui auront une possibilité d'être ainsi intégrés.
Ensuite, pour revenir à un système de Fonction publique intégrée correspondant à
sa mission originelle de service public depuis les Traités de Paris et de Rome:
être au service des Institutions et de l'intérêt commun, ce qui suppose des
garanties de durée et d'indépendance.
Enfin, offrir des perspectives qui favorisent les convergences entre les
différentes catégories du personnel et garantissent une fonction publique
européenne intégrée est la meilleure façon d'éviter l'éclatement de celle-ci et
la précarisation massive de son personnel déjà envisagée dans certaines
Pétition close
Agents' Committee Appeal
Solidarity with the Contract Agents at the Commission and its
All together against precarious employment.
Work for Staff Unity
We support our colleagues, no matter what their legal status is, but
we oppose the unfair recruitment system that is weakening the European
civil service.
During the past 5 years there has been a trend towards more precarious
employment, in particular of Contract Agents with fixed-term contracts.
The CAs number in the thousands, often doing the same work as Officials, but:
• They are on precarious contracts (except in Delegations and Offices)
although their tasks are often permanent ones;
• are paid according to a lower pay scale than Officials and Temporary
This situation is not sustainable.
This is not fair to the concerned people.
The frequent turnover of non-permanent employees further affects the
performance of our services that already face endless reorganisations. The
continuous loss of know-how and skills weakens the Commission in general: such
turnover makes it difficult to ensure adequate follow up and institutional
This situation contributes to divide the staff, making it more difficult to
defend our common interests. Responding to a short-sighted management rationale,
this strategy weakens the EU civil service and thereby the European integration
as a whole.
Effectively pursuing simple principles
Our approach is based on three simple principles, which should apply to all
precarious staff, notably (but not exclusively) to Contract Agents:
• Long term contracts for long term tasks. ( No to precariousness!)
• Equal pay scale for equal work. (Yes to equality!)
• Public administration for public interest. (No to rampant
Some concrete proposals in favour of CAs
We are requesting to:
• Extend the contracts of CAs beyond three years based on the duration
of the Community programmes they work on (to better take into account the
interests of the Institutions and of the colleagues concerned).
• Give CAs with three years of experience the chance to access Temporary
Agent (TA) contracts (through clearly-established and transparent selection
procedures); these should be established for permanent tasks (or tasks with a
long duration). This would comply with the principle of "equal pay for equal
work", since TAs would be entitled to the same salary scale as permanent
• Give the opportunity to these future TAs to participate in internal
competitions. The organisations of these competitions (number, subjects,
posts, openness for other categories of staff …) calls for a negotiation.
We call to the unity of the staff and of the trade unions.
It is essential to avoid the development of corporatism, which, with the
pretext of supporting one category of staff as opposed to another, would lead to
fragmentation of overall staff interest.
Through the combination of our three principles and the proposed three
actions, we aim to eliminate a system based on precariousness.
Firstly, by gradually integrating staff in a manner which is fair to
officials already in post, and transparent for precarious colleagues who will
have the possibility to be integrated.
Then by going back to an integrated public administration in line with its
original public services mission based on the Treaties of Paris and Rome: to be
at the service of the Institutions and the common interest, which requires an
independent and durable civil service.
Finally, favouring the convergence of staff categories and the integration of
their common interests represents the best way to effectively prevent the
break-up of our European civil service and its increasing precariousness, as it
is being contemplated in certain capitals.