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Facts & Opinions

Recours aux agents contractuels en 2015 : statistiques (Document de la Commission de juin 2017)

USHU Paper on Contract Agents in EU Delegations (April 2013)

Demande de concertation politique – Évaluation et reclassement des agents contractuels. (Avril 2013)

Lettre aux Directeurs généraux concernant l'application des mesures transitoires (Sept 2012)

Le VP Sefcovic annonce des mesures pour les agents contractuels et pour les post-2004

Présentation relative à la sélection d'agents contractuels CAST

Contract Agents : Why should I sign this petition ?  (short slideshow)

France : Protocole d’accord du 31 mars 2011 portant sécurisation des parcours professionnels des agents contractuels. Accès à l’emploi titulaire et amélioration des conditions d’emploi

The EC favors open-ended contractual arrangements

In the 2010 report on employment in Europe the EC states that:

"Temporary contracts should remain possible although they should be limited to genuinely temporary tasks"

Below are 2 questions addressed in the report (section FAQ)

What does labour market segmentation mean and what are its effects?

A labour market is said to be segmented when two categories of workers coexist: i) a group of stable workers with permanent contracts and; ii) another with temporary contracts with limited opportunities to move into more stable or better paid jobs.

This phenomenon has to a large extent been created and/or worsened by two-tier reforms of employment protection legislation introduced in several Member States in recent decades. Those reforms have substantially deregulated temporary contracts, while keeping existing rules on permanent contracts largely unchanged. As a result, the proportion of new recruitments made on temporary contracts has dramatically increased, leading to a rising share of temporary work over total employment, especially affecting younger and un-skilled workers.

Although there are clear employment gains associated with these reforms, labour market segmentation also generates a number of undesirable side-effects. The legal asymmetry (between the two types of contracts) reduces firms' incentives to transform temporary into permanent contracts (at the expiry date of the former), which can lead to prolonged situations of precarious employment for many young workers (well into their thirties in those Member States which are particularly affected), coupled with limited incentives for in-work effort and pursuing training activities throughout the life-cycle. The latter two effects tend to depress the growth rate of productivity. Temporary workers tend to receive lower wages and are given fewer training opportunities than permanent workers with similar qualifications and job descriptions. Finally, as shown by the 2008-2009 recession, in segmented labour markets, the brunt of labour market adjustment falls predominantly onto temporary/young workers.

The report advocates the extending the use of open-ended contractual arrangements? How can this help to address the problem of segmentation?

Extending the use of open-ended contractual arrangements with a sufficiently long probation period and a gradual increase of protection rights, access to training, life-long learning and career guidance for all employees could reduce the existing divisions between those holding temporary and permanent contracts.

Temporary contracts should remain possible although they should be limited to genuinely temporary tasks. Thanks to the probation and gradual increase of protection rights, the open ended contractual arrangement could become a mode of recruitment so that the burden of flexibility would no longer fall disproportionately on a segment of temporary workers.

Actions taken by our partners :

Nov 2010 : Demande de concertation de l'ensemble des OSP sur la politique du personnel agent contractuel de la DG COMM dans les représentations

Dec 2010 : 2010 Reclassification: The new evaluation and reclassification system for Contract Agents (Art. 3a)

Contrat à durée déterminée ? Egalité de traitement ?
PAR Prof. Dr. Roger Blanpain, Professeur de droit social (31 juillet 2007)


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